Celebrating 150 Years!


Auctions close on Sunday, 10/20 at 4 p.m.  You do not have to be attending the event to donate to the karaoke packages or bid on auction items.  Food is always available for anyone in attendance, regardless of your ability to pay for a ticket.  Karoke tickets available at the door.

must raise at least


Donate for DJ Kathy-licious here

If we raise $300 for this item, our amazing DJ Kathy-licious will serenade us with her version of “Baby Got Back!”



Rachel & Cher > Sonny & Cher

If we raise $300 for this item, Rev. Rachel & Cher are giving us “I got you, babe! … in costume and


Highest Bids Win

Check out the rest of our annual silent auctions here!  Note that the highest bidder wins!

You don’t have to be present to win.   The highest bidder wins the prize.  Prizes will be delivered or available a week or so after the event.

Contact a Pastor with questions.

Join us for Karaoke & Casseroles on Sunday, October 20 at 5 p.m. as we celebrate 150 years together at Oak Lawn UMC!  It’s going to be a night of fun, fellowship, and singing your heart out. Bring your favorite casserole to share and get ready for a joyful celebration.
Tickets:  $10 suggested donation per person
Additional fundraising during karaoke and throughout our evening.
All are welcome – food and fun available for everyone, regardless of your ability to buy a ticket.
¡Únete a nosotros para Karaoke y Cazuelas el domingo 20 de octubre a las 5 p.m. mientras celebramos 150 años juntos en Oak Lawn UMC! Será una noche de diversión, compañerismo y de cantar con todo tu corazón. Trae tu cazuela favorita para compartir y prepárate para una celebración llena de alegría.

Boletos: Donación sugerida de $10 por persona
Recaudación adicional durante el karaoke y a lo largo de la noche.
Todos son bienvenidos – habrá comida y diversión para todos, sin importar si puedes comprar un boleto.

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